Thursday, December 4, 2014

Calendar Committee seeks input to drafts

The District's Calendar Committee has developed drafts of seven calendars for the 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years. The committee is asking employees to weigh in on their preference through a District-wide survey.

This survey is your chance to review proposed alternatives and provide your opinion as to which one(s) you prefer. The final decision in regard to the calendar ultimately rests with the Governing Board, so this survey does not constitute a "vote" for a particular calendar. Nevertheless, your feedback is an important piece of information that will be needed in order for the Calendar Committee to make a decision on which calendars to present to the Board for its approval. The survey will remain open through the holiday break.

It should also be noted that this survey does not indicate that any changes to the calendar system are planned for the near future. It is simply the first step in the careful process of developing calendars for the District. 

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