Friday, February 28, 2014

Here's a way to help reduce health insurance costs

As you know, a rise in insurance cost is one of the biggest challenges the District faces at this time. We can all pitch in to help.

Sometimes reducing medical costs is simply a matter of choices. The next time you need treatment, and can’t get in to see your doctor, consider going to urgent care instead of the emergency room. As the graphic above shows, urgent care is a least costly option. You can find a list of local urgent care facilities on the UnitedHealthcare web site.

1 comment:

  1. Or instead of going to Urgent Care, go to the Little Clinic inside of Fry's or CVS. They have qualified nurse practitioners or Dr. assistants who can diagnose, write prescriptions, ect. for common illnesses that many people need to be seen immediately for, but don't really need an urgent care. Just a suggestion. It's very quality care.
